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Kevin Burns Statement on a Deputy Fired for Smuggling Drugs into the Jail

April 29, 2024 / 4:02 PM


Ryan Smith

P: 912-200-7796  /

CHATHAM COUNTY – Today, a Chatham County Sheriff's Deputy was fired for smuggling drugs into the jail. This news is deeply concerning. It is a clear reflection of the lack of proper training and vetting procedures in place at the Chatham County Sheriff's Office. This is not an isolated incident, but rather a pattern of negligence and incompetence under John Wilcher's leadership.


The people of Chatham County have lost track of the countless deaths, incidents, and firings that have occurred at the jail under Mr. Wilcher's watch. How many more lives will be put at risk before a change is made? It is unacceptable that the safety and well-being of inmates and staff at the jail are constantly compromised due to the incompetence and recklessness of John Wilcher.


The people of Chatham County demand better. We deserve a Sheriff who takes his responsibilities seriously and holds his staff to the highest standards. This constant stream of scandals and failures at the jail is a reflection of John Wilcher's inability to effectively lead ana manage his department. It's time for a change in leadership, a change that will prioritize the safety and security of our community.


The trust and confidence of the people of Chatham County have been shattered by the repeated incidents at the jail. We deserve a Sheriff who will restore that trust and ensure that our community is protected.



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Friends of Kevin L. Burns, LLC.


P.O. Box 1781

Rincon, GA 31326


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