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Kevin Burns Discusses the Importance of Voting in Local Elections

May 19, 2024 / 3:36 PM


Ryan Smith

P: 912-200-7796  /

CHATHAM COUNTY – Kevin Burns sat down for a discussion with his staff to discuss why voting at the local level is important and how it affects our daily lives. Read his thoughts below:


"While national races often dominate headlines, it's essential to recognize that local elections have a profound impact on our daily lives. Here's why every vote matters:


1. The decisions made by your local elected officials affect you directly.


  • Local elections determine critical aspects of our community, from public transit, school ..., and water and air quality. When you brush your teeth in the morning, the cleanliness of that water is influenced by local policies.

  • City councils, school boards, and county officials make decisions that directly impact our day-to-day experiences. They allocate tax dollars for schools, roads, and parks, affecting our safety, education, and overall well-being.


2. Historical change starts locally.


  • Landmark policies such as women's suffrage, marriage quality, minority rights, and environmental protections often begin at the local level. By participating in local elections, you contribute to shaping the future of our society. 

  • Remember that the fight for justice and progress starts right here in our own neighborhoods.


3. Your vote counts.


  • With fewer voters participating in local elections, your individual vote can carry more weight. In some cases, a single vote can sway an outcome.

  • Local governments wield significant spending power—over $2 trillion collectively. By voting, you ensure that these tax funds are used in ways that represent the diverse interests of our community.


Voting is not just a right; it's an opportunity to ... When you cast your ballot, you actively participate in shaping policies and laws that affecting your life. And by engaging in the electoral process, you empower yourself and contribute to the health of our democracy. As we approach the upcoming primary election, I urge every eligible voter to exercise their right. Your voter matters, and it's a chance to create positive change in our community.



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